BMWE Lodge 3014

United Passenger Rail Federation

Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Division
of the
International Brotherhood of Teamsters



Lodge 3014 Represents Amtrak
Maintenance of Way Employees

A Union Is Only As Strong As 
The Solidarity of the People In It

Our next meeting will be:
March 13, 2025

Click here for more information

UPRF Members receive $7.00 per hour raise for ET members and $5.00 per hour increase for select positions with 36-month commitment.

This is over and above our overall contract negotiations currently being negotiated.

~ $5.00 per hour increase for select positions

~ $7.00 per hour increase for ET Members

Amtrak Healthcare Retirement Planning Summary
for people who will be retiring soon.

Retirement Planning Checklist Retirement Income Plan
Benefits When You Retire Current Connection
Retiree Medical Benefits Benefits under RRR and SS
Survivor Benefits Medicare For RR Families
Frequently Asked Questions Contact Information
Other Amtrak Retiree Benefits GA-23111 PLAN F
Additional coverage
Pension and Annuity Income - IRS Form 575
You may have money owed to you.
Working After Retirement
 Sign up for On-Line access to the RRB Online Click Here to apply for your password.

Benefits Now Online
Check your Retirement or Disability Benefits, apply for Disability or apply for Unemployment On-Line.

If you already have a password Click Here

Attend your meetings:
The 2nd Thursday of the month,

Our next meeting will be:
March 13, 2025

7:30 PM at the
Morrisville Elks’ Lodge,
835 W Bridge St
Morrisville, PA 19067
(215) 295-5333
Click here for directions

Last Updated February 20, 2025

This web site is designed and maintained by BMWE3014
Any suggestions or comments are welcome.



Make Your Voice Heard!

You're more powerful than you think, but only when you join together with tens of thousands of other e-activists and make your voice heard.

Labor Action Tracker

Current Strike and Protest Action Activity
Labor Action Tracker

Take Action!

Current Teamster Actions Support Teamsters


Yuengling Beer
(AKA Pottsville Piss)

Mr. Yuengling is trying to break unions in Pennsylvania by pushing for a "Right To Work" law in PA. There are many other Union beers to give your support to. Here's a list of the ones to avoid and the ones to support.


Help us restore our electoral process!

How The RR Was Built

What is Amtrak?

When you tell people where you work, do you sometimes hear "Oh, you work for the federal government?" It's a misconception that Amtrak is part of the government. In fact, Amtrak is not a
federal agency; rather, it is a D.C. corporation . However, unlike most D.C. corporations, Amtrak
was created by Congress. And, unlike most corporations, Amtrak has the same rights and obligations
as the federal
government in certain limited situations.
Read more

Read how the North and South Tubes were built and how they ended up where they're at.

The New York Tunnel Extension Of The Pennsylvania Railroad. Read

Latest News

BMWE-NEC Agreement
Read it - Know it
Knowledge Is Power and everything that affects your job is in this agreement
BMWE_NEC agreement (29mb's)

BMWED wage increase chart. HERE

BMWED Amtrak Agreement HERE

2024 Amtrak Rosters

Amtrak NEC Hot Spot Books
Click here to down load the Amtrak NEC Hot Spot Books (Also located under 'Useful Forms')

28 Amtrak Engineering Workers Killed
23 Struck And Killed By Trains.

The last 5 workers were killed in a 4 year period.
Use your Hot Spot Book to protect yourself
Amtrak Workers Killed by Trains

BMWE Wins In Arbitration Against Amtrak
Regarding The 14-Hour Rule Award No. 43619

FAMES- Fatal Accidents Involving Boom/Crane Usage on Roadway Maintenance Machines.

Here is the letter to the membership explaining the safety reforms fought for by the BMWE, BRS & ARASA-MW. Hopefully, Brother Gsell's death will be the last one we all have to suffer.

Amtrak Force Accounts. Updated every

"Demonstrate Qualification Forms" are now available under 'Useful Forms' on the menu

Fatalities in Controlled Points/ Manual Interlockings. It's only 2 pages and very important for you to read. It talks about the fatalities in interlockings and why they occurred. Read report


*Fatal Accidents
Under Train Approach Warning


~Old But Still Important News~

FRA Safety Advisory 2011-03, Bridge Worker Safety

BMWE wins Third Division Award against Amtrak for contracting out inter-track platform work. 113 B&B employees will receive $225 each. All employees are listed.

Railway Trackmen’s Journal, 1917 When our forefathers were fighting for the 8 hour workday.

BMWE Wins Four Huge Arbitration Awards Against Amtrak
In order to view the forms below, you will need
Acrobat Reader.
Time Claim
Amtrak Bid Sheet
Demostrate Qualifications
 Be sure your claim is addressed properly.
 Click here to see who & where to send your
 Time Claim Questionnaire
 Do Not mail this form to the company
 Official Time Claim Form
 Send this form to the company
Complete Links Page
Amtrak Job Openings
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