BMWE Lodge 3014 |

United Passenger
Rail Federation
Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Division of the
International Brotherhood of Teamsters | |

3014 Represents Amtrak Maintenance of Way Employees

A Union
Is Only As Strong As The Solidarity of the People In It
Our next meeting will be: March 13, 2025
Click here for more

Amtrak Healthcare Retirement Planning Summary
for people who will be retiring soon.
up for On-Line access to the RRB Online
Click Here to apply for your password.

Benefits Now Online |
your Retirement or Disability Benefits, apply for Disability or apply
for Unemployment On-Line.
you already have a password
Click Here |

Attend your meetings: The 2nd Thursday of the month,
Our next meeting will be:
March 13, 2025
7:30 PM at the
Morrisville Elks’ Lodge,
Last Updated
February 20, 2025
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Any suggestions or comments are welcome.
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Make Your Voice Heard! |
You're more powerful than you think, but only when you join together with tens
of thousands of other e-activists and make your voice heard.
Labor Action Tracker
Current Strike and Protest Action Activity
Labor Action Tracker

Take Action!
Current Teamster Actions
Support Teamsters 
Yuengling Beer (AKA Pottsville Piss)
Mr. Yuengling is
trying to break unions in Pennsylvania by pushing for a "Right To Work" law in PA.
There are many other Union beers to give your support to.
Here's a list of the ones to avoid and the ones to support.

Help us restore our electoral process!
How The RR Was
Built |
What is Amtrak?
When you tell people where you work, do you sometimes hear "Oh, you
work for the federal government?" It's a misconception that Amtrak is
part of the government. In fact, Amtrak is not a federal agency;
rather, it is a D.C. corporation . However, unlike most D.C.
corporations, Amtrak was created by Congress. And, unlike most
corporations, Amtrak has the same rights and obligations as the
federal government in certain limited situations.
Read more

Read how the North and South Tubes
were built and how they ended up where they're at.
The New York
Tunnel Extension Of The Pennsylvania Railroad.
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