BMWE Lodge 3014

Pennsylvania Federation

Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Division
of the
International Brotherhood of Teamsters




Social Security Reform

Social Security has a direct impact on Railroad Retirement because the Tier 1 benefits are the same as social security. What doesn’t get paid from the social security trust fund gets paid from the railroad retirement trust fund. 

In other words, while we can retire at 60, because social security doesn’t retire until 65 or 67, the difference in the tier 1 is paid from railroad retirement until the beneficiary reaches social security retirement and at that time it is paid from social security.

The need for social security reform is a fraud. 

Here are some links that will help you get the facts and protect your retirement.


Alliance for Retired Americans Center for Economic and Policy Research
National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare The Century Foundation
Social Security Reform- What it means to you and RR Retirement Social Security Isn't Broken, Doug Orr
African American and Social Security, William Spriggs Bush’s Mythical Mandate and Social Security Privatization
Some Republican Congressman Oppose SS Changes
(Tell Congress to Save It)
Why Railroad workers should care about Social Security
Social Security - The Phony Crisis